
HELIX Image HelixConnect Europe
Alexandria Image Alexandria University
UCG Image University of Montenegro The University of Montenegro (UoM) is the oldest and the only public university in Montenegro. Established in 1974 today it has 19 faculties and 2 research institutes. It is a comprehensive university with close to 20 000 students. UoM has a key role and responsibility to create and spread knowledge through its excellence in education, science, and achievements to improve international cooperation, to create successful and socially responsible university graduates, and to promote the democratic and sustainable development of Montenegrin society and state. UoM is an integrated university, organized according to the principles of the Bologna Declaration, with curricula harmonized with those at the most respectable European universities. Studies at the University of Montenegro are organized at the level of Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral studies. The basic model of studies is 3+2+3 meaning that undergraduate studies last three academic years, except for regulated professions and teacher training which last five i.e. six years respectively; post-graduate (masters) studies last two years and doctoral studies have a duration of three academic years. The University is continuously engaged in the restructuring and modernising of all study programmes and their harmonisation with modern achievements and the labour market needs. Amongst other things, obligatory practical work has been introduced for most courses, and English as a course is obligatory. Internationalization is high on the agenda of the University of Montenegro. The overall aim is achieving recognition of the University of Montenegro in the EHEA and ERA and across the world. In 2020 UoM adopted the Internationalization Strategy 2021-2026 which represents academic agenda and strategic framework for enhancing international visibility and recognition of UoM.
Jordan Image
Jordan Engineers Association The Jordanian Engineers Association was established as a society of engineers in 1948. It obtained a license in 1949. It was the first general assembly for the Association of Engineering Professions in 1958. The Engineer Tawfiq Marar assumed the position of the first president of the Engineers Association at that time. It has two centers in Amman and Jerusalem. The first law of the association was issued in 1972. The Association has a legal personality that enjoys self-independence and its affairs are managed by a council elected by the General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the Association Law. The head of the Association of Engineers represents it before the judicial and administrative authorities and before third parties. The Association issues an annual report that documents its achievements and shows the status of its financial position in financial reports. Each fund of the Association issues its annual report, and the administrative and financial reports are submitted to general bodies for approval.
CESOL Vector Letras Asociación Española de Soldadura y Tecnologías de la Unión - CESOL CESOL is an Association of Persons and Companies, independent and non-profit, in the service of welding, adhesive bonding and additive manufacturing. The organization specializes in information, certification of people, products and processes, training, advice and technical assistance to industries that use welding, adhesives and additive manufacturing.
EWF Image European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) EWF – European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, is an international non-profit umbrella association aiming at the collaboration in the study and solution of welding-related problems encountered within its fields of competence and in the removal of technical barriers.
Universitas Image University of Miskolc The University of Miskolc (UoMi) is the leading higher education institution and academic centre in the North Hungarian Region, industry-oriented university with long traditions and with great development potentials. The history of the university can be traced back to 1735, when the world’s first technical higher education institution, the Selmecbánya School of Mining and Metallurgy was established. The institution was moved to Miskolc in 1949, and today 9000 students’ study in seven faculties and one institute. Total staff number is more than 1200, wherein the academic staff number is more than 700. In 2016, a Higher Education and Industry Cooperation Centre (HEICC) has been established within the Institution in order to further strengthen the cooperation with industry. The Institute of Materials Science and Technology is one of the largest institutes in the university, dealing with focus areas as welding, heat and surface treating, metal forming, materials testing, lifecycle assessment and risk analysis. The institute participates in the education in BSc, MSc, PhD and postgraduate (IWE/EWE, EWS-RW, EWP-RW, IWSD, EWRM) level. These courses are largely online, through the platform implemented at UoMi, so their staff have significant experience in digital training.